What a Wild Dream!
Man, what a wild dream I had last night! I was the President of the United States, and I was in a meeting with my advisers, members of my cabinet, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and everyone was asking me questions. Read more
Man, what a wild dream I had last night! I was the President of the United States, and I was in a meeting with my advisers, members of my cabinet, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and everyone was asking me questions. Read more
It was an ordinary morning for Winston F. Harlow and he smiled as he performed his normal routine. He had taken a shower, and was now reading the paper while drinking his coffee. He lived a quiet life. He wasn’t married, and he didn’t have any living relatives. To say that his small apartment was modest was being kind. He didn’t have a TV or a computer, and there was only one picture hanging on the wall. Read more
Tonight was his last performance. The high council didn’t like the storm makers to become very popular with the public. Drantonian was ready for the end, he had expected it to come much sooner. It seems that he had been preparing all of his life for this final show; he had practiced it in his head, over and over, now the time was finally here. Read more
If you haven’t read all of Second Chance you might want to start at the beginning.
Sam stops near the building by the parked trucks where he saw Tatyana running. “We have to keep her from getting to the phone,” he tells Sandy as they get out of the van and head towards the trucks, “we’ll grab her, and take her back to the cabin.” He didn’t know what they were going to do with her after that, but he decided to worry about it later. They see Tatyana hiding behind a truck and quickly run towards her, relived that it was going to be so easy to catch her! Read more
If you haven’t read all of Second Chance you might want to start at the beginning.
Just as Sandy was pulling the pistol from her purse and handing it to Sam, Faina, tired of being tied up for so long, finally chewed through the rope and ran across the room, barking frantically. As the dog leapt through the window, Sandy panicked and shot, missing the dog by a mile and hitting Tatyana instead. Read more
If you haven’t read all of Second Chance you might want to start at the beginning.
Dimitri wasn’t far off when he thought that Walter was going to be pissed about Tatyana’s disappearance, he went insane! Dimitri had never seen Walter lose it before and it was something that he hoped he never saw again. Walter started yelling at everyone, “Get your asses out there, and find my sister!” “I want whoever is responsible standing in front of me in the next hour or I’m gonna start shooting everyone in sight!” Read more
If you haven’t read all of Second Chance you might want to start at the beginning.
Second Chance 9
It didn’t long for Sam and Sandy to figure out they had really “screwed the pooch,” on this one. This wasn’t Walter’s wife, she kept saying, “no wife,” over and over. Sam didn’t know if she was trying to tell them that she wasn’t Walter’s wife or that Walter didn’t have a wife, either way, it didn’t look good. Read more
If you haven’t read all of Second Chance you might want to start at the beginning.
Where in the hell is Faina, she should be back from her walk by now! Tatyana didn’t like to spend much time walking the dog; she didn’t like being out of the house at all. She was still pissed about the guy that attacked her in the park. I don’t think she was really attacked—who would be interested in her? Read more
If you didn’t read the first installment of Second Chance you might want to start there.
Translation: “What in the hell is going on?”
Tatyana in English, was starting to come around. She was in a small room with very little furniture and was tied to a chair. She could hear two people in the next room arguing loudly but since she spoke very little English, she couldn’t tell what the argument was about. Read more
If you didn’t read the first installment of Second Chance you might want to start there.
I’m going to kill that bitch for shooting me with that stun-gun! It’s personal now. I didn’t have any reason to do anything to her before; I didn’t want Sandy and Walter to have a second chance to get back together. Now, I don’t even care, I’ve thought of nothing else but ways to put ‘that bitch’ through hell! Read more