Second Chance 11

If you haven’t read all of Second Chance you might want to start at the beginning.

Second Chance 11

 Just as Sandy was pulling the pistol from her purse and handing it to Sam, Faina, tired of being tied up for so long, finally chewed through the rope and ran across the room, barking frantically.  As the dog leapt through the window, Sandy panicked and shot, missing the dog by a mile and hitting Tatyana instead.

Tatyana was slumped over in the chair that she was tied to; she wasn’t moving.  Sam started yelling at Sandy, “What in the hell is the matter with you?  You killed her!  What are we going to do now?”  Sandy yelled back at him.  “Wasn’t that the plan all along?”  “You said you’d take care of her, I guess I just did it for you!”  “We have to get rid of the body, help me untie her and carry her to the van.” 

Shaking badly, he helped Sandy untie Tatyana from the chair.  “We’ll take her out by the bridge and dump her into the river,” Sandy whispered, she had never touched a dead person before.  They had her untied when suddenly Tatyana leapt from the chair, grabbed their heads, and crashed them together!  They slumped to the floor as Tatyana ran from the cabin and into the woods. 

The fools, Tatyana couldn’t believe they were so stupid!  The bullet had only grazed her shoulder but she immediately slumped in the chair and waited while they argued and eventually untied her.  She knew it wouldn’t be long before they were looking for her so she had to keep moving until she found a place to hide, and think about what to do next.  In the distance, she could see a building with lights; it looked like a gas station or something.  If she can make it there before the two clowns find her, she can call Dimitri to come and get her.  Was Dimitri looking for her?  Did he even know that she was missing?  Did he care?  She wasn’t sure how he felt about her, he didn’t ever talk about his feelings.  She wished that she could figure out how to get him to open up to her.

Dimitri was starting to panic, where was she?  He had always assumed that he would marry Tatyana someday, even though they had never talked about it.  He realized now that he might never see her again and she wouldn’t know how he felt about her.  If only he could have a second chance, he would tell her that he loved her, and ask her to marry him.


Second Chance 12.

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in short stories

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