Second Chance 10

If you haven’t read all of Second Chance you might want to start at the beginning.

Second Chance 10

Dimitri wasn’t far off when he thought that Walter was going to be pissed about Tatyana’s disappearance, he went insane!  Dimitri had never seen Walter lose it before and it was something that he hoped he never saw again.  Walter started yelling at everyone, “Get your asses out there, and find my sister!”  “I want whoever is responsible standing in front of me in the next hour or I’m gonna start shooting everyone in sight!”  He was throwing things everywhere; he just missed hitting Dimitri with a lamp that crashed against the wall.  Dimitri had never seen such chaos.  People were running around the house, grabbing their guns and yelling into their phones like the world was coming to an end.  He decided that the smartest thing to do was to get out of the house, away from Walter and start looking for Tatyana.

The only thing that made sense to Dimitri was that maybe another gang had taken Tatyana to get even with Walter for something he’d done to them.  But, that didn’t really help much, Walter was hated by everyone for the things that he did.  Last week, Walter found out about a group of guys that were trying to move in on his drug business by recruiting some of his guys to work for them.  He had the leader followed to found out where he lived, and in the spirit of his favorite movie, “Godfather,” he sent him a warning.  The guy didn’t have a horse, so instead, Walter had his men cut off the head of a cow and put it in the guy’s bed.  He must have seen the movie too because he got the point, the whole group left town that night!

Dimitri was thinking of everyone else that would want to hurt Walter and he recalled him talking about Sandy saying that he should have his wife killed.  Is it possible that Sandy thought Tatyana was Walter’s wife and planned to kill her?  He decides to go by her house, just to check on her, and finds out that she isn’t home.  He looks in her garage and sees that the van isn’t there; he better call Walter about this. 

When Walter hears what Dimitri has to say, it starts to become clear to him, Sandy’s behind this mess!  He calls everyone and tells them to look for her van, and “when you find her, don’t hurt her, bring her to me!”  “She’ll regret the day she met me!”

Second Chance 11.

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in short stories

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