What a Wild Dream!

What a Wild Dream!

Man, what a wild dream I had last night!  I was the President of the United States, and I was in a meeting with my advisers, members of my cabinet, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and everyone was asking me questions. 

What should we do about the mounting tension in China?  What advice was I going to give the German Chancellor about the financial trouble in Europe?  What statement was I going to make about the murder of Americans in Libya and mob assaults on the United States’ embassies?  What was I going to do to revitalize the relationship with Egypt? 

I had a million things on my mind and everyone expected me to have all of the answers.  People’s lives depended on me; the future of the United States hinged on my decisions.  The stress was unbearable!  I had to evaluate hundreds of situations and if my decisions were wrong, I would be responsible for the consequences.

What is today, Thursday?  Great, I think a nice walk before breakfast and maybe a quick round of golf is in order.

Knock, knock.


“Good morning, Mr. President, did you sleep well?” 

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in short stories

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