Second Chance 7

If you didn’t read the first installment of Second Chance you might want to start there.

The Wife

 Translation: “What in the hell is going on?” Tatyana in English, was starting to come around.  She was in a small room with very little furniture and was tied to a chair.  She could hear two people in the next room arguing loudly but since she spoke very little English, she couldn’t tell what the argument was about.  She remembered the young girl in the park talking to her about Walter’s dog, and gesturing for her to follow to a van nearby.  That’s when that awful man from the park the other day  jumped out of the van!  What was his problem?  Why was he doing this to her? 

She could make out that the girl kept saying something about “the wife.”  Walter had taught her that word when he had brought her to the U.S. from Russia.  Why had she let him convince her to come here?  She didn’t like it her at all, everything was so strange!  What will he do when he finds out that she is missing?  He had such a terrible temper!  That’s it, they’ve kidnapped her and were going to get Walter to pay to get her back!  They must not know him very well if they think they’re going to get away with this.  Sure, he’ll pay whatever they ask, he has plenty of money, but she has seen Walter kill a man just for his own enjoyment. 

 The man and woman are coming into the room now.  It’s the girl from the park and the man that she has shot twice with the electric gun.  Now she wishes she had been carrying the real gun that Walter wouldn’t let her use.  So, they are in this together!  They both look so angry, what has she done that has them so upset?   Where is the dog?  Walter would kill both of them if anything has happened to her, Faina is his pride and joy, worth more to him than any amount of money.  The man is asking her something about a gun.  He’s probably wondering how she was able to get the gun out and shoot him so fast, he never saw it coming.  In the old country he would have been dead a long time ago.  The electric gun was bulky compared to what she had used when she was a girl, but it still fit nicely in her thigh holster.  “You’re lucky it wasn’t a real gun!”  she said in Russian.  They obviously don’t speak Russian, they look confused, but that really got their attention.  Now they’re arguing with each other furiously!  “When my brother Walter finds you, you will both be dead!”

Second Chance 8

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in short stories

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