John Locke’s Box

John Locke has a new story about D. BoxJohn Locke – Box

“I kill other doctor’s patients,” said Dr. Gideon Box, the top Cardiothoracic pediatric surgeon in the world.  Dr. Box takes his psychiatrist’s advice and joins a dating service.  She told him to seek women from small towns because they would be less shallow and self-centered then the women he’d been dating in Manhattan.  “What’s the worst that could happen?” she said.  The three women that he settled on were from small towns in Kentucky, and seemed to meet his main requirement, they were excessively horny!

The women that Dr. Box visits are very interesting, to say the least.  The worst that could happen, does.  He finds himself tangled in a web that any spider would be proud to call its own. 

Another exciting story by John Locke.  If you haven’t read any of John Locke’s books I think that you will enjoy them.  His Donovan Creed Series is a collection of 10 books so far, hopefully he’ll write more.  His Emmet Love Series is a collection of three stories and is also very entertaining.  I will be doing a review of John Locke’s books in the near future, as I have read them all.


About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in Book Reviews

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