Mile 81 by Stephen King

Mile 81 by Stephen King

Stephen King

In Stephen King’s Mile 81, Pete Simmons wanted to be a part of his brother’s gang of 12 and 13 year olds, the Rip-Ass-Raiders, but he was only 10 years old, so they couldn’t be bothered to let him hang out with them. So instead he goes to the abandoned rest area on the I-95 turnpike at the mile 81 marker, you know, over where the old Burger King used to be? That is where the older teenagers hang out at night to drink and get high, but during the day he had the place to himself. He finds a half empty bottle of vodka and decides to try having a few drinks, just to get a little buzz. After taking just 3 sips he decides he’s had more than enough and lies down to take a nap.

While he’s sleeping a station wagon pulls into the rest area and the driver’s door opens up but there isn’t anyone inside. The old station wagon just sits there, inviting someone to come on over and take a quick look. Doug the insurance man’s curiosity gets the best of him so he stops to take a quick look. Julie is traveling with her horse trailer and wonders if someone is in trouble, so she stops to take a look. The Lussier family is also curious enough to check on the station wagon sitting at the old rest stop.

Pete sleeps through all of their encounters, but wakes up in time to see state trooper Jimmy Goldberg stop by. Dispatch had received numerous phone calls of people driving by that noticed all of the vehicles sitting at the abandoned rest stop. They were curious too, but just too busy to stop and take a look.

When Pete sees what happens to Trooper Jimmy he knows that he must do something, but what can a 10 year old do in this kind of bizarre situation?

You should read this Stephen King story and find out.

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in Book Reviews

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