Second Chance 12

If you haven’t read all of Second Chance you might want to start at the beginning.

Second Chance 12

What happened?  The last thing Sam remembered was untying Tatyana so that they could carry her to the van and dump her body – where was she?  Shit, she wasn’t dead!  She was faking and they fell for it!  The first thing he felt was relief that Sandy hadn’t killed her after all, but then he started to worry about what would happen to them when she was found.  Walter was a mobster!  What was he thinking?  It wouldn’t take any effort at all for him to have Sam killed; he probably did it all the time.  They had to find Tatyana and figure out what to do, before it was too late!  Sandy was starting to move around, so he grabbed her and they staggered to the van.   He knew there was a truck stop just down the road, maybe that’s where she’s headed.  “Sandy, keep your eyes open, we have to find that crazy bitch before she makes it to a phone!”

As Tatyana walked towards the truck stop she kept watching for the van, ready to jump into the ditch as soon as she saw it, so far, she hadn’t seen any cars at all.  She was a couple of yards from the building when she saw it coming!  If she ran, she might just make it to the edge of the lot before they saw her, maybe she could hide between the trucks and wait for her chance to run into the building and find a phone, she decided to go for it! 

“Do you see her anywhere?”  Sam asked Sandy as they approached the parking lot.  Sandy had her head hanging out of the window looking in the ditches as they drove by.  He almost laughed when he thought about how she looked like a dog going for a ride, but then he remembered the predicament they were in and a cold chill ran down his spine.  They had to find Tatyana, time was running out, if she made it to a phone and called – wait!  “Look over there by the trucks, do you see her?”

Dimitri didn’t have any idea where he was, he was definitely in panic mode!  What are the odds that he’ll ever find her?  “I’m never going to see her again!”  He decided that he needed to stop driving around aimlessly and come up with a plan, in the distance he could see the lights of a truck stop.

Second Chance 13

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in short stories

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