Zek the Vrek

Zek the Vrek

  The Strantlonian Vrek sipped his tall, chilled Nepune Rapure, looked around the room at his small gathering of friends, and wondered if this is how it was on other planets.  They were helping Zek celebrate his seven hundredth and ninety second hardlingday, which was a milestone in his culture.  He thought about what life on Stranton was like 792 zecters ago.

Zek’s rethpents had told him stories of how they had moved from sector to sector, looking for a suitable place to settle down and raise their small vrek.  His rangon was a strong, hard worker and was always able to get work in the yelzin fields as a labotem.  His brankdon was a loving vrek and was always available to help him deal with the difficulties of growing up as the new vrek in the mrankle.  They eventually settled down in sector 66 when he was about 84 zectors old, and he finally started to make friends.  After finishing the courses in the fifty-second mrankle, Zek was able to move out on his own and get work at the large sontany station, where he became the lead krater.

Life back then seemed so much simpler.  He had spent most of his time alone, exploring the grets for harlows.  It never ceased to amaze him how, no matter how many times he tried, the small harlows would avoid being captured.  He tried everything, placing small bits of yerzt around the mounds of brill and then hiding behind a nearby norton, or digging a hole in the brill, covering it with throntons from a norton, and placing yerzt on it, hoping the harlows would fall in.  One of the many things that he learned from the harlows was that once he stopped trying to capture them, and instead just sit and watch, they would come right up to him and eat the yerzts right out of his bulton!  That was an arptoninan moment for Zek that he never forgot.  He used that experience to meet his future nelk, Prangdon.

When Zek first saw Prangdon, she was working as a prackle at the local metrok and he knew that he had found his platlok.  She was stunning with her long, striped mrangel, and when she looked at him with her bright red brezzles, he was shocked!  He had never seen seven brezzles that beautiful before, he had to find a way to entice her into his uton.  That was the beginning of their courtship, which would have lasted longer than five zectors, if Zek hadn’t learned the lesson from the harlows.  He would come every chance he could to the metrok and just sit and watch Prangdon work.  The trantons he spent watching her finally paid off and she asked him, “Yetzor for your grapples.” 

“I’ll give you my grapples for free!” he said.  “Can we get together over a brit of popel?”

To be convrekend???

I wrote this after reading about how we scan words while reading, only looking at the shape of the word, not each individual letter.  I think that even though 10% of this story contains made-up words, it still makes sense. Do you agree?

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in short stories

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