Stephen King UR

Stephen King – UR

Stephen King

In this Stephen King novel, Wesley Smith is an English instructor at Moore College in Moore Kentucky. Wesley gives in to the pressure from his students and buys a Kindle from Although he didn’t specify the 1 day delivery, it shows up the very next day, and the charges never show up on his credit card bill. That is strange, but even stranger things begin to happen with his pink Kindle. Yes, Wesley’s Kindle is pink.

While checking out the experimental features on the Kindle he finds one called UR FUNCTIONS.  One of the UR FUNCTIONS is UR BOOKS. Using that function he searches for books by Ernest Hemingway and gets 17,894 results! Wesley was sure that he had read all of Hemingway’s major works, so when he learns that there are a few novels that he has missed his surprise is understandable. He finds the same outcome is true for the works of Edgar Allen Poe, and many others.

He comes to the realization that the UR is showing him alternate realities, well over 10 million of them! In these alternative realities of the famous author’s birth and death dates aren’t what Wesley expected. It seems that

Looking through some of the other UR FUNCTIONS he finds UR NEWS where he reads about Hillary Clinton becoming the 44th president! He also finds out about other news items that are different from our reality.

UR LOCAL is under construction so there is a limit to the information that is available but Wesley gets enough information to turn his life into complete chaos!

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in Book Reviews

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