Iphone apps that I use

IPhone App Review

iPhone app review of some of the apps that I have used. The images of each link to the Apple store.

Weather Bug AppWeather Bug

I love weather iPhone apps and this one gives current conditions for your local area including wind speed and direction, dew point, humidity, and UV level. Also shows webcam shots of neighborhood-level network of stations.

I-phone app My Radar

Shows current, animated weather radar around your current location. Additional options include weather warnings and alerts to warn you of severe weather in your area.

Night Sky

If you want to identify the stars, planets, and satellites you can see above, then this is the app for you.  Just stand anywhere and hold your iPhone up to the sky and it will display the names of the stars, planets and other objects you are able to see. It even works if it’s cloudy or during the day.

Mandolin Companion

Besides being a handy tuner it has a huge list of chord charts, with multiple positions for each chord. It also show the fingering for all the scales.

I-Bird Pro

This is an amazing app! If you’re interested in birds, identifying their calls, what they eat, and where they nest, then this is the app for you. I won’t even go into all of the features of this app, you just have to check it out.

Apps Gone FreeApps Gone Free

This app provides you with a list of about 5-10 free iPhone apps each day, along with a couple of sentences about them. Some of the apps are only free for a limited time so it’s a chance to get a great deal.

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in Iphone Apps

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