5 of the most useful iPhone apps for College students

Today’s college students have access to some of the best technology. While laptops have been commonplace for quite sometime, more and more students are using smartphones and tablets for entertainment. However, your iPhone may be able to help you be a better student. Whether you want an app to help you keep up with assignments or to help you study, you have several great iPhone apps to choose from. The following are just five of the most useful iPhone apps for college students.

myHomework app on the Apple storemyHomework
Those that have trouble keeping up with homework assignments and class schedules will love this app. Free to download, the app offers a homework organizer/student planner, homework widget, class schedule, and homework calendar. If you sign up for a paid account at the myHomework.com website, you can also receive reminders of upcoming assignments.

WolframAlpha iPhone app at the Apple storeWolframAlpha
This is a hugely extensive app that comes with an affordable price of $1.99. This app will help you in a number of different classes. Whether you’re taking calculus or geology, this app will come in useful. In fact, it’s like keeping a mathematician in your pocket.


iStudiez Pro iPhone app on the Apple storeiStudiez Pro
This is another great organizational app for college students. With the ability to track grades, review assignments, get notifications on upcoming assignments, and even plan study sessions, this app is a must. At a cost of only $0.99, you can’t afford to pass up this great app. Best of all, you can even back up your information so that if something happens to your phone, the information will still be available.

inClass iPhone app at the Apple storeinClass
If you want the ability to record class lectures, scan handouts, or even take notes, this free app is a must. You can even share your student materials with other students through Facebook and iTunes.


iProcrastinate iPhone app at the Apple storeiProcrastinate
Last, but not least, many college students are known for procrastinating. With this great app, you’ll be able to break large assignments into smaller tasks so that you’re less likely to put off that large project until the last minute. This is also a great app to use to split up assignments with a large group. If you want to stay ahead of the game, instead of pulling another all-nighter, this is definitely the app for you. With a cost of only $0.99, how could you pass it up?

Not only do you have access to some of the greatest technology, you can also have access to some of the greatest apps. Whether you need help breaking down large projects or want to record lectures, there’s an app for that. Best of all though, many of these apps are free.

About the Author: Moises Vennes is a content developer who enjoys creating iPhone apps and Android apps. He is also expanding his portfolio and has begun developing his own restaurant pos system for his family business.

About the author


I write short stories, love to travel, install auto glass, and collect Beatles memorabilia.

Posted on by JimsGotWeb in Iphone Apps

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