If you’d like to have a review copy of your book to send out to reviewers, I can create eBooks that are compatible for all the major eBook retailers including: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and more.
I’ll convert your Word document into the standard formats of .mobi for Amazon devices and .ePub file for all the other retailers. I’ll need a Word copy of your book (.doc, .docx) and the cover image if you want that included.
The cost is $25 and only takes a few days. If you’re interested, contact jim@jimsgotweb.com and I’ll send you an invoice through PayPal.
Here is a list of promotion services we offer:
Kindle “Free Days” and “Countdown” Promotion Help
Write a powerful description
Request book reviews
Keyword Research
Choose Categories
Manuscript Editing
Book Cover Creation
Author Website Creation
eBook Conversion